There are few things more frustrating than seeing your yard destroyed by pests. You take pride in the look of your grass, flowers and vegetable patch. For many homeowners, pests are an ongoing problem, and the solutions often seem worse than the damage. Setting traps and laying chemicals are dangerous to the pets and people in your home.

You can avoid toxic chemicals and harmful pesticides by using a humane pest repeller. These repellents use ultrasonic pulses and vibrations to force pests out of your garden, without harming them.

Burrowing Pests

Ultrasonic pest repeller spikes are ideal for pests that burrow underground. While snakes do not cause any real damage, they are often undesirable animals to have in your yard. However, pests such as moles and voles can cause real damage and require special tools to keep them at bay.

Moles live in burrows with interconnecting tunnels, typically six to eight inches below ground. They can also dig shallow feeding tunnels that are only a few inches below the surface. The tunneling can destroy your lawn by creating molehills that result in dead and missing grass. The tunneling can also kill vegetation by loosening soil and uprooting plants. A mole repeller will force these critters out of your yard keeping your hard work in tact.

Similar to mice, voles are known to cause surface damage to your grass through the shallow burrows and tunnels they dig. They are active day and night, eating seeds, bulbs, flowers, and vegetables. Voles can tunnel into a garden and chew on roots, destroying the plans above ground.

An ultrasonic spike will emit vibrations and piercing sonic pulses that will cause the animals to evacuate. These spikes are environmentally friendly and will not harm the animals. The sounds will disrupt their normal movement patterns and will typically take two to four weeks to see results.

These humane pest repellers are often solar powered and waterproof. The top of these repellers feature solar panels that keep the spikes working continuously. Waterproof housings ensure that pests are kept away through rain storms or weekly waterings.

Larger Animals

Ultrasonic spikes work wonders for pests below the surface, but how can you prevent larger animals from eating your flowers and vegetables? Luckily, there are similar ultrasonic pest repellers that work above ground to keep other animals out of your green spaces.

Deer can quickly turn your tomato and zucchini blossoms into empty stems, or trample your freshly planted tulips. Common solutions for deterring deer are organic repellent sprays, motion-activated water sprinklers and plastic fencing. These will not harm deer, but they may be less effective for smaller animals invading your garden.

Squirrels will uproot plants get to the seeds or bulbs that they like to eat. Simply having a fence around your garden or flower bed will not be enough to deter these agile climbers. You can purchase repellent specially formulated for small animals and rodents that are safe for your vegetables, though these tend to be expensive.

Neighborhood cats can be a nuisance as they may dig up your flowers or vegetable garden as if it is a litter box. You can try planting garden mesh just below the surface of your soil to prevent them from digging out the plants.

Raccoons will eat just about anything. Often times we think of them eating garbage, but they will just as quickly eat through your vegetable garden and yard. Freshly sodded grass is susceptible to raccoons as they will dig it up to find grubs and worms to eat. They are also very adept at climbing and will make their way up corn stalks to eat the ears of corn.

Similar to the problems of moles and voles, chipmunks can cause damage above and below ground. Chipmunks live in large burrows and will dig tunnels for travel and food storage. The tunnels can cause damage to grass. As with most other pests, they will also eat seeds and flower bulbs.

An above ground ultrasonic pest repeller will safely deter these animals from eating your plants and causing damage to your yard. They work by emitting a powerful ultrasonic noise that will scare away a range of pests. The high-frequency sound is inaudible to humans and will frighten away animals that you want to keep out. Look for a version that features an infrared motion sensor, which will be activated once the animal is detected.

There are many humane pest repellents on the market, but few products will work to combat the presence of all bothersome animals. The best ultrasonic pest repeller will require no batteries for easy portability, and will be waterproof and solar powered. These easy to use devices are ideal to place in your yard and not have to worry about pests again.

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